It's been a very rainy Sunday so we finally had some indoor time to make a kitchen sink - which I have been wanting to get around to doing for a few reasons: 1. A friend of mine put me in touch with her friend who has recently built a stove and kitchen sink for her son (it's great and I've been inspired!!), and 2. a few weeks back O decided he wanted to clean and pretend wash with kitchen sink gloves on, so I gave him his own pair of gloves and now he needed a sink!
The basic structure is the same as the stove/oven we made a while back, and then I just cut a hole for a stainless steel bowl (which was a O's toy cooking bowl) and used some funny coloured piping pieces (we got as part of a bundle of toys from an Op Shop) - as the kitchen tap! The microwave (housed below the sink) I picked up at the Drummoyne Public School Fete for $2.
While I was making the kitchen sink today, I was thinking about my manifesto when it comes to craft / building things for O, and for me it's this:
* do the building and making with O (yes, it's a little tricky, but he gets so much enjoyment out of seeing, doing and helping)
* complete the build in one session (I don't like things to drag out, I find they never get finished that way, so even though things are not to my aesthetic-pedantic-fussy-taste**, I get it all done in say 30-40mins)
* use what I have (don't go buying things... improvise!)
** - the kitchen sink is far from perfect, we ran out of packing tape and I had to use black gaffa tape, which is too 'heavy' for the front and front facade needs more detail - these are minor bits, which we can revisit later!
That looks great !!
ReplyDeletei am doing a kitchen for Agus, slowly slowly :)
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