Sunday, 16 September 2012

A posse of eggcups: Wilkins Public School Fete

We had great fun at the Wilkins Public School Fete today. Being close to home, we managed to arrive early. Leaving home is an event in itself these days... I've left home a few times sans shoes for little people and have had to let O walk the streets wearing only his socks! But today, we were booted and ready to go; and after over two hours of pretty much non-stop fun we had to p.u.l.l. ourselves away - as the little people amongst us were going wild in that frenzied I've-had-too-much-of-a-good-thang kinda way!

What did we do: the mega slide ride, the jumping castle, listened to the fab sounds of the school bands, played the fishing game, ate Portuguese tarts, played on the school jungle gym, and then we saw the fire engine! Yes, apologies - that was our son sitting in the fire engine driver's seat for too long - unable to pull himself away as the queue to drive the fire engine grew longer and longer and longer...

I also bought these egg cups. Made by kids at the school. I think they are gorgeous, a little community of colourful egg cups which will decorate our dining table.

School Fete's - YOU ROCK!


  1. I was trying to write a comment yesterday to tell you to go. It was brilliant wasn't it? We didn't do as many things as you did, but Miss 4 loved it. Think she'll be disappointed when she starts there to discover the slide isn't a permanent feature. We also went to White Rabbit Gallery. Thanks for the tip! Eliza

  2. yes, the fete was truly great eliza! i am looking forward to helping out my kids school fetes - once they start 'big school'. it really is good family fun for all. and there are so many good school fete's on these days - my mum told me she saw popped into the annandale school fete on this saturday and said it was amazing! the folks who run the kidsized living website do this little search feature - where you can look up fete's in the inner west too ( ooh, just checked white rabbit site - looks as though their new show is open, we have to check it out. ta.

  3. Thanks for the website! My daughter was mesmerised by this installation at White Rabbit which looked like doll's furniture. I know you have boys so they might not connect as much but it was great to see her enjoying it. Eliza

  4. So upset I missed the fete yesterday. I was really looking forward to it … next year. Those egg cups are so beautifully adorable. If my child had made one, I wouldn't have let them sell it!

    1. i know, i did at the time of buying them and still do feel a bit sad... sad that their makers did not get to keep them and that they were for sale.
