Monday, 18 June 2012

A rapture of ribbons

A rainbow of ribbons. A wriggle of ribbons. A wrangle of ribbons. A rivet of ribbons. I wonder what the collective noun for ribbon is?

This morning Baby O and I made a trip to Pan Pacific Distributing, 162 Marrickville Road, on the corner of Meeks Road. The name is a little misleading - I saw this ribbon wonderland a few weeks ago and have been wanting to pop in. They are a ribbon wholesaler, recently located from their Leichhardt premises and now taking up residence in Marrickville. So they do big jobs supplying florists and corporates and the like, but they are very welcoming to craft nuts (like me) who happen to find their showroom.

They have sale tables and we scored; a forest green grosgrain ribbon and a lilac satin ribbon (20metres each roll and $2 each ex.gst) and then I indulged and bought an imperial purple satin ribbon for $6.50 (not on sale). They don't sell by the metre. So be prepared for reams of ribbon. Which I think is good, I use it for wrapping pressies, endless craft gigs... we have a high rate of ribbon usage in this household!

They sell ribbons in all shapes and sizes; double satin, grosgrain, polka dots, zebra print, from very thin to thick...and more! Next time I am in need of a race of ribbons I will definitely pop back!

Note: there are five hefty stairs at the front door to pull the pram up, however once inside the lady (who I think is one of the owners) was very accommodating and friendly, taking us through the back door when we left - avoiding the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely going to drop by there – sounds fabulous.
